Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tonight's Dinner

Braised Chicken in Caraway Mushroom Sauce with Red Cabbage

Brown skin side of chicken thighs, and when done remove from pan, add some chopped onion to the pan along with some butter, saute until onions are soft and then add slightly less flour than butter to the pan and stir to make a roux.  Cook until roux is light brown, and add some chicken stock, a tablespoon or more of cream sherry, caraway seeds, salt and white pepper, cooking until hot.  Add mushrooms, then put the chicken in a baking dish and cover with the mushroom onion and roux mixture.  Bake at 350 for an hour or so.

For the cabbage, throw some chopped onion and apple in a pan with some butter and sugar, cook until butter begins to brown and then cover and braise for a few minutes, then add shredded red cabbage, salt and a quarter cup or so of red wine vinegar, toss, cover and cook for 15 minutes or until cabbage is bright purple, then add a cup or so of water, cover and simmer for an hour and a half or so until soft.  Stir in a quarter cup or so of jam (raspberry, lingonberry, red currant, grape or a mixed fruit jam along those lines), cook a few minutes and serve.

Welcome to Germany.

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